2025 Registration Pricing
Attendee: $55
Registration Dispenser
Games, including 1 game card set
Absentee: $65
Registration Dispenser
U.S. Shipping
Enablers: $10
Enablers must attend with another full Attendee member. This option is great for kids, friends, family, or significant others that may want to join you!
Games, including 1 game card set
International Absentee: $50 + Actual Shipping
Registration Dispenser
Upcharges & Additional Items
2XL: $3
3XL: $4
4XL: $5
5XL: $6
Standard charity dispenser: $10
Vendor table: $15
Special 10th Gathering Add-On Pack: $45
Small 12-Month Calendar - collaboration with Cameron Smith
10th Gathering Dispenser
Additional SWAG, 1-2 pieces
Event will be May 17, 2025!
Be sure all people in your party are registered at least one Attendee and others can be Enablers! Absentee also available. We've got some great new activities planned for the 10th one, you don't want to miss it!
Registration is now open! Register by 4/20/25 for a guaranteed shirt size. Registration closes 5/11/25. Reach out with any questions.
Venue/Park Policies
Be sure to check out the official park policies - note we DO have an alcohol permit! Feel free to BYOB and drink responsibly.
Please note: There is an entry fee into Patapsco Valley State Park. This is NOT included in your registration and you will be responsible for it upon entry.
The fee is: Maryland residents $2/person; out-of-state residents $4/person. Be sure to check the park’s page for the latest on fees. There is a day use waiver for veterans as well as Active Duty Military / Maryland National Guard.
The Gathering will be held in pavilion: TBA, will be provided to registered attendees via email.
Directions to the site:
Patapsco Valley State Park - Pickall Area
8125 Johnnycake Road
Woodlawn, MD 21244
Driving Directions:
From Beltway (I-695) take Security Blvd. (exit 17) westbound. Go 0.5 miles and turn left on North Rolling Rd. Take next right (Fairbrook Rd.). Go 1 mile, turn left on Johnnycake Rd. Go 1.5 miles to park entrance on the left.
From Rt. 40 take Rt. 40 east to North Rolling Rd. toward security square mall. Go 2.5 miles, turn left onto Fairbrook Rd. Follow above directions.
GPS Coordinates: 39.31159, -76.79091
2025 Tentative Agenda
*Note: events and times subject to change as things come together
Gathering will be: Noon ~ 5 pm.
11 a.m. - Vendors setup
Noon - Maryland Pez Gathering Begins!
Enjoy food, shopping, and the Charity Silent Auction opens
1 p.m. - Edible Art Show Winners announced
1:45 p.m. - Group Photo
3:45 p.m. - Bingo!
5:00 p.m. - Charity Silent Auction Closes, Maryland Pez Gathering programming over!
Feel free to stick around until sunset to chat and enjoy each other’s company.
8:00 p.m. - Pavilion must be cleared out.
Passive games/activities:
10th Gathering Retrospective
Zep Video Game
Guess the Dispenser! Game (by touch)
Charity Silent Auction